With Defold you can produce very lightweight and well-optimised builds, both mobile and HTML5 from the same sources.
One idea tickles my brain for the past few days - is it possible to produce Playable Ads with Defold? Playable Ads have self-explaining name - the ad you can play, technically they are tiny HTML5 games. I heard such ads have very good conversions rates, so just imagine - you build iOS/Android game and with cost of pressing few buttons also build a Playable Ad for it, from the same sources. Sounds intriguing!
And not so long ago Facebook added the ability to upload playables to their system. Here are requirements, some important points:
- Playable should not require mraid.js.
- A single file for playable ad that contains all assets as part of that single HTML file and assets should be data URI compressed. (Javascript, CSS, images, sounds).
- Playable asset size should be less than 2 MB.
- No dynamic asset loading through external network is permitted.
- Tips for combining into one file-encode image into base64 string, integrate js into index.html.
- Playable HTML5 should not contain any JS redirect.
- Playable should not make any HTTP request.
I’m not very familiar with Defold’s HTML5 tech stack, is there any requirement impossible to reach with Defold?