I try to create a PC build, but every time I get this error:
Error - 2 icon(s) not replaced in C:\Users\scorp360\Documents\prooggrammmer\lua\Defold\projet\drop\+\v10 buyVersion\pc\buy\x86_64-win32\DR0P In Music\DR0PInMusic.exe using C:\Users\scorp360\Documents\prooggrammmer\lua\Defold\projet\drop\DR0P\bundle\win32\work2.ico
I have read many topics to solve the problem:
Même testé les .icon que vous dites fonctionnel, mais aucun ne fonctionne.
I have removed compress for windows Vista add all image for the icon, but it always doesn’t work.
I’ve test all the icon in the topic and all icon put the same error.
Have you got an idea of the problem ?
Thanks for advance.