Why is the update speed too fast? (DEF-1785) (SOLVED)

Interesting, can you go to game.project’s ‘display_frequency’ setting and let us know what that value is? Update speed should in theory be controlled by that.

For the side scroller project it is 60.

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That’s really odd. I’m not that experienced with the built in sprite animation system, so I’m hoping someone more experienced with Defold steps in and is able to help you figure this out. In the meantime, you could run print(dt) in the update loop of a script and see if you get anything odd - try toggling variable_dt on and off and looking for anything odd in the dt values.

Also, I’m guessing that the issue isn’t something directly related to update speed - if something with the update system got messed up in 1.2.79, the forum would probably get flooded with a ton of frustrated posts, so I’d guess the issue is something specifically related to the use of animations.

Thank you for your suggestions. I’ll try them out although I’m still very new to the engine. I have just been learning from the example projects so far. By the way, I tried a complete reinstall of Defold but that didn’t help either; every sample game runs too fast to be playable.

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I have that problem every time I install a new version because my graphics driver has vsync turned off by default, so I need to turn it on manually for each new dmengine.exe version


That is a likely cause, we don’t have any software throttling of the frames yet and rely completely on the vsync. This needs to be fixed of course.

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I’ve created a ticket for this: DEF-1785


OK I’ll try vsync. It sounds like that will fix it. Thanks for the help.

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waiting for the bug fixed

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Yep that was the problem. I had recently reinstalled my graphics drivers so I had set the wait for vertical retrace setting to on again. Thanks all!


I’ve updated my graiphic card drivers and issue disappeared


I think I have the same problem. In the example of the tutorial, everything happens very quickly.

windows 7 x64, nvidia 368.39

We haven’t solved the root cause of this yet. Have you tried updating your graphics driver?

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Updating the driver helped. Tnx

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I have to update and DEOLD and after all the animation is very fast moving. In the example in the project. I can only have specific animations to reduce the frequency of update options?

Hi @spacestark! Perhaps you could ask your question again in english?


yes, sorry)

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The comments above suggests that this might be fixed by turning on vsync for your monitor/graphics driver. Have you tried this?

I think no. Maybe I just do not understand the process. It seems to me that all the animation and movement themselves frog 2 times faster than they should be. not as much as in the video above, but not as smooth as it should be