I’m developing a very simple app. At the moment there are a few sprites bouncing on an empty blackground.
In the update function of every object I have:
pos.x = pos.x + self.speedx * dt * 100
pos.y = pos.y + self.speedy * dt * 100
On my Samsung S3 Neo, the game runs more or less 10 times slower, and to get a speed similar to my pc (Windows 10 on a Core2 Duo P8600) I have to use:
pos.x = pos.x + self.speedx * dt * 1000
pos.y = pos.y + self.speedy * dt * 1000
Moreover the same objects at a certain point in the code stop being animated manually and use this animation instead:
go.animate(go.get_id(), “position”, go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_PINGPONG, pos, go.EASING_INOUTCIRC, 1, 0, hai_vinto)
This animation, also, is more or less 10 times slower on my Samsung S3 Neo.
I’m using Defold 1.298 on pc and dmengine.apk 1.298 on mobile.