Vertical moving platforms and platypus (SOLVED)

So, I have some issues with getting platypus to work with me. :sweat_smile:
I have moving platforms that get created via the factory, Each of the platforms has a script attached that updates y position, collision is box kinematic. Basically endless runner, but on the y-axis (endless jumper? )
I have a player object that uses platypus, collision is kinematic, using shapes (tried using raycasts, same result)
I drop the player from some height on the level. When the player reaches the platform instead of sticking to it, it bounces (keeps going from falling to ground contact to falling to ground contact).
The code that I use for the player script is from platypus example.

What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance :smiley:

P.S. sounds similar to Platypus vertical moving platform seperation

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I’m unable to reproduce the problem in the example that comes with Platypus. Can you please provide instructions on how to reproduce or a sample project?

Is the height of the collision object and the height in a script when creating a platypus instance the same?

Here is the repro

Edit: or not XD

Edit2: Here is github link

I don’t think I mess with height in any way.

If you feel like it, please take a look at the repo link somewhere in the thread :smiley:

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Try this dev branch of Platypus:

@Pawel would you mind reporting how the branch works for your game as well ?

I have no vertical moving platforms, but created one like you described and there is no such problem on the latest version @britzl provided

(there is other problem that player can jump “into” the platform and I guess because of some stuttering, because I have a laptop with integrated graphics)

Hmm, I’ll look into that. It shouldn’t happen.

Still bounces I’m afraid. :frowning:

It also happens on slopes, many, many times :confused: I have many attempts to fix this, but none of them was successful :confused:

I’ve pushed a new update to the dev branch. Could you try the new version? And make sure to adjust the ray cast length to cover the collision object size. Enable debugging in Platypus and in Physics to make sure they are matching.



Thanks a lot!

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