Hello. Thank you for Defold editor. I have question related to the subject of this thread.
I do not know is it expected, but it looks like Tiled plugin for Defold does not working as it should. After export tile_set property in .tilemap is empty string, and there are only one file .tilemap is generated. I suppose there are should be .tilesource as well.
Also it is unexpected how it will work with Tiled “images collection based” tilsets (where you able select multiple images instead of compound sprite sheet with tiles). It does not looks like Defold tilemap can use collection of separate images to build maps.
Who maintain this plugin? Is it opensource and available for community improvements?
Defold tile map editor still luck of required features such as sprite rotation, random brash, fil bucket, region mask selection which are part of Tiled, so it is critical to have ability to support this editor. At least ability to use tmx files itself will be nice.
Is it good idea to write my own tmx file parser and load tmx and tsx files from code or there will be some gotchas related to the Defold architecture? Can i expect good performance doing this? Why Defold team take decision to write it’s own tile map editor inside editor and reject to use widely used well known Tiled editor files formats?