Tiled map editor export to Defold (SOLVED-ish)

Another question in regards to the .collection export. How would you practically use the exported collection in Defold?

My method feels a bit clunky: Create the collection with a collection factory, then, to get collisions, create a game object with a matching collision object inside. Is this the best way of doing it?

Yeah, this feels a bit clunky to be honest. I haven’t tried the exporter myself.

The fix in 1.2.169 doesn’t seem to work for me. I made a tiny repro project, including the Tiled source files, which might help figure it out: RotatedTiles.zip (29.1 KB)




Yeah, there was a problem with the first beta. I’ve verified that it is fixed with the latest beta. Sorry about that!

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Let me respond in the shape of an in game Tilemap:


Looks like I jumped the gun on this one in all the excitement!

Coming to actually implement rotated tiles, it’ turns out that flipped tiles work (180 degrees), but rotated tiles (90 degrees) do not. The reason the above example appeared to work was because I only used corner tiles. This is how it looks with edge tiles:



Minimal example: RotatedTiles.zip (47.9 KB)

Is there any way Defold could support 90 degree rotation? Or (please let it be so) have I missed something?

It is currently not supported. Only flipping of tiles.

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Alrighty then. At least flipping works on corners, so still good!

And sides too I guess?

Edges work in two of the four directions, so for those one extra tile is needed to provide the 90 degree turn.

Sure, but it’s still a save. Which was my point.

Yep, very much so.