Stutter when running official example project

Hello! I have a problem with defold. I created new project from example Lighting VFX. When I’m running it I have stutters. The game is not loading anything for sure, because it was running for 10 seconds prior to that. The problem is not only in this example project, but in others too.

I was running example projects on Macbook Pro 16-inch, 2021 with M1 Max

This not a official example. It is a great blog post from @MasterMind .
Looks like there is a shader problem, you can ask your question here: Lightning VFX how its was made

It works fine for me on M2 mac mini pro

What do you mean by game is not loading?

Which one?

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You have M1 max, are you sure you pick right version of the editor (for arm CPU). Because x86_64 will work through Rosetta as well, but performance will be so-so

@AGulev @britzl

This is the same issue I’m seeing on my M1 Pro Macbook pro. It started with 1.8.0 and it happens both when moving a game object via update as well as with a go.animate.
It’s like it jumps for no reason and with a big gaps, so it’s not a frame stutter.

And yes I’m on the Apple silicon version of engine/editor.

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I am using apple silicon version

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By not loading, I meant loading assets or luajit optimizations when starting game (if there are any)

I also have this problem in “pixel line platformer” project

Ok, this is something we need to look into. @Kirill_Lysenko and @gianmichele could one of you please create a ticket on GH and attach as much info as possible?


@britzl I created issue #8948 on GitHub