Optimal loading and receiving data from JSON

I would like to hear some advice, I’m going to make a visual novel. I decided to store the scene data in json.

	"info" : [
		{ "text" : "Hmmm", "size" : "1", "color" : "Red",  "bg" :  "bg.png", "character" : "chr.png",  "buttoncount" :  "0"  },
		{ "text" : "Hello", "size" : "1", "color" : "Red",  "bg" :  "bg.png", "character" : "chr.png",  "buttoncount" :  "0"  },
		{ "text" : "Goodbye", "size" : "1", "color" : "Red",  "bg" :  "bg.png", "character" : "chr.png",  "buttoncount" :  "0"  }

Can you recommend how best to upload a file that will have several thousand rows and whether it is possible to upload only one element of the json array, so ass not to create a lua table that will store all thousands of elements. Or would it be easier and more optimal to create the entire lua table once and use it.