Made With Defold Jam 2024



Don’t forget to join us on the last event of the Jam - the one and only Defold and Poki Q&A!

:spiral_calendar:Save the date!

30. August 2024 - 3:00 PM (GMT+2)

:link: Link to the event:

We invite you to the annual community game jam:

The theme of the jam is:

Join it on Itch:

This year, beside of the classic 2-week long game jam with rewards, we have a possibility to participate in additional presentations and discussions that will take place on Defold’s Discord, so feel invited!

When? GMT+2 What? Where?
15 August 2024 12:00 AM Start of the jam + Theme announcement!
16 August 2024 3:00 PM “Web AR and location based games” by Paweł Jarosz @Pawel Discord
16 August 2024 4:00 PM “You don’t need a physics engine for a platformer” by Sergey Lerg @sergey.lerg Discord
17 August 2024 6:00 PM “Game played 15M times: Punch Legend Simulator” by Dmitrii (d954mas) @d954mas Discord
17 August 2024 7:00 PM “Gamedev Camp Participation Experience” by Eugen Mozok @mozokevgen Discord
30 August 2024 3:00 PM Poki Team Q&A hosted by Paweł Jarosz @Pawel Discord
30 August 2024 4:00 PM Defold Team Q&A hosted by Paweł Jarosz @Pawel Discord
1 September 2024 12:00 AM End of the jam - submit your games before this date
8 September 2024 12:00 AM End of voting period! Winners announced day after!, etc.

All the details and rules are described on the jam page.


I’m preparing for the upcoming Made With Defold Jam 2024 and I’m looking for more people willing to make some “GDC-like” talks about gamedev at an online event in August! :wink:

HMU if you’re interested! It’s always a nice experience!


Leave your vote please:

1 Like

If this is important to your jam, you should consider adding the poll to the forums (or using solely the forums rather than Twitter), because I believe your target audience is more likely to see and vote here. Also, we’re only able to vote on Twitter if we have an account there.


Yes, you are right, I just wanted to have all votes in one place, but perhaps it’s better to have morę options if someone doesn’t have a account there.

  • Themed Classic Jam - 15.08 - 22.08 at the beginning of Fun Jam
  • Themed Classic Jam - 08.09-15.09 at the end of Fun Jam

0 voters

As people advised on Discord - perhaps it’s a good idea to not split the jam into two parts and instead consolidate it into one two-week long jam? What do you think about it? Do you still prefer a freedom of choice with a twofold structure or would you like to get back to classic jam approach? Or do you have a different idea?

  • Like announced, split the jam in two (Month long freestyle + week long themed)
  • Consolidate them into one (themed (but not required to fit it) two-week long)
  • Other - please, comment

0 voters

My vote would be consolidated, but required to match the theme.


Yeh the 2 week but with theme would be a better fit.

1 Like

This is not an official Jam, I know, but it would be wise to pin this post to top of the forum until the Jam completes. Since this is the only important social event of the year related to Defold, could @britzl please consider this.

@Pawel has spending lots of time and effort on this, as far as I know, there are many talented designers working with Defold. Maybe some of you might consider designing the Jam logo, page, social media post images to help Pawel and make it shiny!? :blush:
Let’s collaborate!?


Good point! I’ve pinned it globally.


Thank you! Any help is vastly appreciated! :heart:

Btw, by the results of the poll, I resigned of splitting it into two parts. It will be now a classic 2-week long jam with a theme announced at the beginning, no need to make it more complex. I’m also still waiting for confirmations on some other presentations (beside the two announced already), so keep your fingers crossed and perhaps it will be very interesting to join and hang out together, so I really hope the attendance will be high, I’m counting on you, guys! :heart_eyes:

Just have fun defolding! :wink:


There is a possibility to have a meetup and Q&A with Poki team during the jam period! :heart:

They are going to Gamesom. I personally think it’s reasonable to do it after Gamescom, but if some of you are planning to go there, they are willing to do a meetup before to meet you and eventually continue talking there in person! :grin: Let me know if this is you and you would like to!

If not, we will make it after Gamescom and for this - please prepare questions you would like to ask them upfront, eventually post them here :blush:


Defold is also going to Gamescom. We would love to meet any Defolders there!


Thanks to the amazing effort by @selimanac we have now a beautiful website for the #MadeWithDefoldJam 2024 and a brand new logo! :heart:
Can’t stretch enough how thankful I am for the help!


Invitation on r/gamejams!


It looks like the presentations will be very good. Excellent themes.


Inviting guest speakers was a great idea and I hope to see more of those before the event begins. Thanks for organizing this, looking forward to participating.


Defold Foundation sponsors additional rewards for the best 10 games! :partying_face:



Aaand we announced two amazing Q&As with Poki and Defold team on 30. August 2024!

To be prepared, when the time comes - think of the questions you would like to ask them after their short presentation. If you can come up with some already - write them below, on Discord​ in #game-jams or itch in Community.