in the fragment program. This is working just fine – the tangents are displayed correctly. However, the moment I add a skeleton to the Defold model the render shows the normals instead. I have been using this guide for the export/import.
I have also been trying multiple export settings in Blender (e.g. not including any mesh data in the skeleton if that would override the model data or something). I have also tried excluding the armature in the main model, and that does display the tangents but disables the animation.
Is there anyone here that’s got 3D animations with tangents working?
Here’s a small test project with three icospheres. The left one uses a shader to show the normals while the middle and right ones use a tangent shader instead. The issue can be seen in the right sphere where the tangents do not seem to be displayed properly. Instead the normals are showing. The only difference between the middle and the right one is the presence of a skeleton. All of the spheres use a Blender model exported with an armature.