I have very simple layout it has just 5 tile maps and one sprite as character. And I have 360 draw calls
layer1-3 use the same tile set. main map use another tiles with different texture, so I expected that I’ll take just 4 or 5 draw calls for this scene but i have 360
upd1: I tried to remove parallax layers from the scene - so after that i got 320 draw calls. maybe it’s related to the main level tile map which has the size 300x1000?
upd2: reduced the tile map size to 30x30 draw call reduced to the 17. So it’s definitely related to the big map somehow
upd3: if i make all layers in my big map invisible draw call reduced to the same value (16) as well
upd4: One more interesting thing. If i reduce the number of used tiles in the map - like make just an empty map with 4tile width border - it also reduce draw calls to something like 100) in both cases tile map has size 300x1000