Thanks so far @britzl.
hm… that means every box-node needs to have a texture?
if there is any transparency there has to be a separate layer?
for each font a layer?
OMG. Nearly everything designed is a “batch-breaker”.
There should be a separate thread which explains the batches
Like I’ve said, I’ve coded this game in another language which is no engine. There, I have to code a couple of procedures (was a basic language). One for unit-tracks, one for kind of particles, one for units, one for … etc. There I had to take priority who many such procedures will become called and what content. I needed 1 month for optimizations. So I compare your batches like classes our routines which handels specific stuff. one for box-nodes, one for textured-box-nodes, one for text-nodes etc. If you mix up too much some classes/routines has to be called twice - thats what its meant to “break a batch”, right? layers seems a way to handle that if I understand the docs and you right.
Is there any “batch” list, priority or anything to read for a deeper understanding or understanding at what “situation” a batch breaks?