HEllo @Edgaronfo and @Davej.
I have tst your hints but didn’t work…
see my test details…
- in my dino script i put this inside message function:
if message_id == hash("contact_point_response") then
if message.group == hash("hero") then
pprint("+++++++ begin test")
pprint("footgirl as url: " .. msg.url("footgirl"))
pprint("message sender: " .. sender)
pprint("message id: " .. message_id)
if sender == msg.url("footgirl") then -- check edga hint
print('OK to URL')
if message.group == hash("footgirl") then -- check dajev hint
print('OK to group')
pprint(" === start message info")
pprint(" === end message info")
pprint("+++++++ end test")
and this is my console response:
DEBUG:SCRIPT: +++++++ begin test
DEBUG:SCRIPT: footgirl as url: [main:/footgirl]
DEBUG:SCRIPT: message sender: [main:/instance1#collisionobject]
DEBUG:SCRIPT: message id: [contact_point_response]
DEBUG:SCRIPT: === start message info
normal = vmath.vector3(0, -1, 0),
position = vmath.vector3(220.70994567871, 70.166679382324, 0),
other_position = vmath.vector3(237.7099609375, 120.5647354126, 0.30000001192093),
relative_velocity = vmath.vector3(0, 0, 0),
other_id = hash: [/hero],
other_mass = 0,
group = hash: [hero],
applied_impulse = 0,
distance = -0.66667795181274,
life_time = 0,
mass = 0,
DEBUG:SCRIPT: === end message info
DEBUG:SCRIPT: +++++++ end test
my hero GO
my dino go
any ideas?