How to apply cubemap to the scene?

Hello! I didn’t find any manual how to use cubemap.
I successfully converted standart HDRI to 6 images through Blender.
But I don’t undestand how to input it into “main.collection”.

Defold PBR has an example of how to use cubemap as a skybox (that’s your goal, right?).


Thanx! I will check it. I hope to make beautiful vibe game for the web. I can make a sky from photos or render it in Blender.

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I spent some time to search how to create the sky. There are some repositories on GitHub, but noone is production-ready(stable and fully featured).
The best way: to learn OpenGL deeply. There 2 tutorials on official site and few suggestions at forum.
But I plan to learn OpenGL later. Right now I need only the Sky.
And I successfully created it in Blender by the primitive way.
It’s needed to:

  1. flip simple cube’s normals;
  2. add environment texture (from PolyHaven for example);
  3. change UV’s for most compact textures (I reached 66% of an image);
  4. bake texture
  5. export cube and texture in Defold project
  6. make little changes in “model.fp” to avoid light and shadow (only diffuse 100%)
  7. attach cube’s position to Camera’s position and make big scale of the cube (x100 for example)

And you get seemless 3D sky!

How to make “SOLVED” mark above the post? I think, this question is solved.