How to accelerate kinematic collision objects?

Hi, I was wondering if it was possible to apply force on to a collision object to make it accelerate continuously (and I guess decelerate if the force was applied in the opposite direction). I know this is a very simple question but any help would be appreciated. I can’t seem to find any sort of tutorial that simply explains this.

-- dynamic"#collisionobject", "apply_force", {force = vmath.vector3(1, 0, 0), position = go.get_world_position()})

-- kinematic
-- or

Don’t hesitate to ask if something is still not clear

If you specifically mean moving a kinematic collision object by setting its linear or angular velocity, this is currently not possible with Defold (unlike standard Box2D).

More on that here:

The title says “kinematic” and (as @totebo points out) a kinematic object is not affected by forces applied to it. Collision resolution and movement is manually handled in the case of kinematic objects so you need to write the code to simulate velocity and acceleration yourself. Dynamic objects on the other hand are fully simulated by the physics engine and you can apply forces to them to make them move.