Hello, I got the problem like variable-dt-causes-game-to-run-twice-as-fast, which was commented to be fixed in Defold 1.2.126.
I am using 1.2.156, and still get this problem: the game runs much faster, and by print the dt, its value is fixed to 0.016667.
My project is create from mobile template(only changed the screen size, and default filter(to nearest).).
In case, the test code is:
function update(self, dt)
local pos = go.get_position()+ vmath.vector3(1, 0, 0)* self.speed* dt
msg.post("@render:", "draw_text", {position=vmath.vector3(100, 100, 1), text=string.format("%d, %d", pos.x, pos.y)})