Android Pre-launch report compatibility

Google Play has bulked out their “Pre-launch report” with a new “Android compatibility” section, which spits out long lists like the one below for my builds.

I suspect these issues are not new, and probably not that important, but wondering if something could/should be done about it?

It’s just that I like green ticks better than orange warning triangles. :slight_smile:

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That is interesting. @AGulev what are you seeing for your solitaire game?

I’ll try to check it a bit later because of

I asked a friend, he told me that he has 9 warnings in the game with DefVideoAds only. But you right would be better to check in Solitaire without native extensions.

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Good point. The game in question is a bit heavy on the old extensions.

Done, there are no issues with the engine itself!

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So what @totebo is seeing comes from an extension?

Many, many extensions.

plus Admob hard coded.

And, if you narrow it down, what does the google console say then?

This particular game is about to launch, so not ideal to play around with. If I get some spare time I might create a blank project and then add extensions to get a feel for how many warnings each one produce.

Create a test app and upload that?

Yeah, might do if I get time!

A quick search for SmartSelectionEventTracker shows that you’re not alone to get this warning. It’s discussed in Unity, Cordova and Construct forums.

I’m guessing in your case that it is from either DefVideoAds or Firebase-Analytics.

It could be WebView related so I’m guessing it is somewhere in DefVideoAds

9 of them are related to UnityADS for sure.

I’ll update UnityAds plugin to the latest version of native SDK then today or tomorrow.