Hello again! I tested the test app on my phone and the test ad worked. Now I am trying to implement it into my game but I am having some trouble. In my init function I have this code :
app_id = 'ca-app-pub-685162264159115~9352519994',
test = true, -- ALWAYS use test ads, only disable when submitting to the stores.
listener = listener
Here is the code that makes the banner show up just in the script (not in init, update or anything)
local function listener(event)
if event.phase == 'init' then
type = 'banner',
id = 'ca-app-pub-561651641115/5277419906',
position = 'bottom',
size = 'smart',
position = 'bottom'
When I launch the app, it does not show up. What else do I need to put in?