Wordle tutorial

Hello, I was requesting if someone could make a wordle tutorial for defold. I had done one in Unity, but when converting it to Defold I had issues because I don’t know how to use the GUI for it. If there is something close to it or someone has done it I would appreciate being pointed to that direction.
Thank you

I think it’s better to focus on what parts are not working. What problems do you have, and which tutorials/manuals have you completed?

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Thorough GUI documentation: GUI scenes in Defold

Also read about capturing input from the mouse: Device input in Defold

Once you understand the GUI and mouse input, you can simplify things by using one of Defold’s many extensions built by community members. These are located in the Asset Portal: Defold Asset Portal

The particular asset I’m thinking of is Druid, which will accelerate your progress building GUIs with Defold: Druid