Why is there an error with fitr and id?

When I change the filter for my sprite in the sprite.material tab to make it less blurry and save the changes, the sprite still appears blurry when I reopen the project. I’m not sure how to fix this.

I also have an issue with a red ‘default’ ID in Tile Source, which shows up immediately after creation, even in new projects. Does this issue affect anything?

You cannot save built-in materials directly. First, copy the sprite.material file to your project (local) directory. Then, you can make changes and save. Otherwise, you’ll lose the changes when you reopen the editor.

AFAIK it’s for collisions. If you’re not using any collisions, it won’t affect anything.
More info for tilesource:

Also if you want your pixel art to be sharp, you don’t need to change sprite material. You can simply change the Default Texture Min/Mag Filter from game.project file to nearest.