I’m trying to make apple object child of cupboard rack when apple is placed/drop on rack. But while apple object is dragging on rack collsion object it’s flickering and when dragging out of rack apple object position gets changed.
I’m setting and removing parent of apple object when trigger responce is happeing while entering over rack collision object.
apple object script -
local cursor = require "in.cursor"
local gravity = -20
function init(self)
self.velocity = vmath.vector3()
self.ground_contact = false
self.landed = false
self.not_dragging = true
self.rack_contact = false
self.has_inside = false
self.keep_still = false
self.container = hash('/food')
function final(self)
-- Add finalization code here
-- Learn more: https://defold.com/manuals/script/
-- Remove this function if not needed
function update(self, dt)
-- local gravity = vmath.vector3(0, gravity, 0)
local position = go.get_position()
-- self.velocity.y = self.velocity.y + gravity
-- are we in contact with a rack or land?
if self.has_inside or self.landed then
-- set vertical velocity if we are climbing up or down
-- also set flag to indicate that we are climbing
self.on_rack = true
self.velocity.y = 0
self.on_rack = false
-- apply gravity if there's no ground contact and if it's not sitting on rack
if not self.ground_contact and not self.on_rack and not self.keep_still then
-- self.velocity.x = 200
self.velocity.y = self.velocity.y + gravity
-- if not self.landed and self.not_dragging then
-- -- apply velocity to the player character
-- go.set_position(go.get_position() + self.velocity * dt)
-- end
go.set_position(go.get_position() + self.velocity * dt)
self.correction = vmath.vector3()
self.ground_contact = false
-- self.has_inside = false
-- from the platformer tutorial on defold.com
local function handle_geometry_contact(self, normal, distance)
local proj = vmath.dot(self.correction, normal)
local comp = (distance - proj) * normal
self.correction = self.correction + comp
go.set_position(go.get_position() + comp)
if normal.y > 0.7 then
self.ground_contact = true
proj = vmath.dot(self.velocity, normal)
if proj < 0 then
-- remove that component in that case
self.velocity = self.velocity - proj * normal
self.velocity.x = 0
function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)
if message_id == hash("contact_point_response") then
if message.group == hash("land") or message.group == hash("rack") then
handle_geometry_contact(self, message.normal, message.distance)
elseif message_id == hash("trigger_response") then
if message.enter then
if message.other_group == hash('land') or message.other_group == hash("rack") then
print('inside land')
msg.post('#collisionobject', "disable")
self.landed = true
if message.other_group == hash("rack") then
print("inside rack")
self.has_inside = true
self.container = message.other_id
msg.post(".", "set_parent", { parent_id = message.other_id, keep_world_transform = 1 })
local position = go.get_position()
position.z = 0.1
if message.other_group == hash('land') or message.other_group == hash("rack") then
msg.post('#collisionobject', "enable")
print('outside land')
self.landed = false
if message.other_group == hash("rack") then
print("outside rack")
self.has_inside = false
self.container = hash("/food")
msg.post(".", "set_parent", { keep_world_transform = 1 })
local position = go.get_position()
position.z = 0.5
elseif message_id == cursor.PRESSED then
-- print("Pressed", message.id, message.group, message.x, message.y)
-- msg.post('#collisionobject', "disable")
elseif message_id == cursor.RELEASED then
-- print("Released", message.id, message.group, message.x, message.y)
-- msg.post('#collisionobject', "enable")
self.not_dragging = true
elseif message_id == cursor.DRAG then
self.not_dragging = false
-- if self.has_inside then
-- msg.post(".", "set_parent", { parent_id = self.container, keep_world_transform = 1 })
-- self.keep_still = true
-- print("my parent id", go.get_parent())
-- else
-- msg.post(".", "set_parent", { keep_world_transform = 1 })
-- self.keep_still = false
-- end
elseif message_id == hash("keep it inside") then
self.keep_still = true
elseif message_id == hash("keep it inside opened") then
self.keep_still = false
function on_input(self, action_id, action)
function on_reload(self)
-- Add reload-handling code here
-- Learn more: https://defold.com/manuals/hot-reload/
-- Remove this function if not needed