What's "next next" for Editor 2?

Now that you guys are looking for someone to shape the next UI and workflows of Editor 2, I thought it would be a good time to start throwing ideas around (?)

For me one of the most missed feature is the ability to attach animation curves to objects that can then be played back. I think engine wise you already support this feature but not in the editor.
Animating UI components, objects on paths, this can save a lot of back and forth between other apps.
In line with this is also a graph editor to edit those beautiful keyframes. It’s there already for particles, so it might just need to be extended?

Then I stumbled upon this video of a guy using Hype as a layout editor.

I think it’s a good example of what could really be achieved.
What do you think? I especially like the anchor widgets that would be great for the UI components.

Well, that’s me giving a few cents here and there.



Fully agree with you.
I already made a feature request in the github https://github.com/defold/editor2-issues/issues/649