What's it? "Write log" How to use it?

I was making code for a smooth menu like “Made in DEFAULT”, but it didn’t work, and then I found this function and tried it and it doesn’t work!

I don’t understand how it works.

From the manual page on project settings:

When checked, the engine will write a log file log.txt in the project root. When running on iOS, the log file can be accessed through iTunes and the Apps tab and the File Sharing section. On Android, the file is stored in the app’s external storage. When running the dmengine development app, you can view the log with:

$ adb shell cat /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.defold.dmengine/files/log.txt

For me on Windows, the file appears in the project directory (as the manual says), next to the game.project file. It contains the same messages as you see in the console in the editor.

There are more instructions on how to access the file on device in the manual page on game and system log.

