What could be the reason for the GPGS interface not activating?

I added GPGS to the project when I released it on Play store and then removed it later. Now I’m trying to test some GPGS features that I plan to add but the interface doesn’t activate. What could be the cause of this issue?
PS: It worked perfectly the first time.

	if gpgs then
		print("login declined", login_declined)
		if login_declined == false then
			print("after log in declined")

The print statements all output their values but gpgs.get_id() and gpgs.get_display_name() both print nil. The log in doesn’t happen also.

Does the example project that comes with the gpgs extension work?

I can’t seem to find the example project. where’s it located?

The dependency you added, it’s a link to github.
The dependencies also act as example projects.

As for your code, you print the id/display_name before logging in?
Is this code flow correct?

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My bad. Thanks for the correction.

The example project works. The GPGS interface gets activated.