Websocket custom header in HTML5 for AUTH info (SOLVED)

Hello. I need set custom header for websocket. In editor work fine, but not in browser.
im read documentation and find this

          - name: headers
            type: string
            desc: list of http headers. Each pair is separated with "\r\n". Not used on HTML5.

1st connection from editor - my header exist
2nd from browser - not exist

how i fix this problem? i need add my custom header with auth info

It could in fact be a bug in the HTML5 version of the engine. Please open a ticket on GitHub in the extension repository.

thanks, i create

Add custom header in HTML5

Not used on HTML5.

As the documentation you posted says, the custom headers aren’t used on HTML5.

It is also shown by our code here:

I’m not sure how it’s generally done, as emscripten.h doesn’t seem to have taht functionality :thinking:

bad, will have to transfer with regular data :crying_cat_face:

i found a solution

self.url = "ws://" ..  user_hash

and just $_GET on server