Web Profiler. Which Atlas generate the *.texturec file?

Web profiler.
Will be very helpful to find which Atlas generate the *.texturec file.

I have huge texture and do not know what is it :sweat:


Yes, it’s a feature we’d like to add too.

In the meantime, how many atlases do you have? What sizes are they?
Are they mostly blank or do they have lots of colors (which outputs larger textures)

You can also use texture profiles to scale down certain atlases, then you’ll figure out which .texturec became smaller.


Thanks, I have used texture profiles to downscale all atlases to 2048 pixels. This one is 2048x2048x4 = 16mb and it’s ok for me. I just wanted to check can I optimaze it more… I found which one was it (by iterate over atlases and setting max size in texture profile to 256 :grinning: )


If you don’t currently use texture compression, that’s something to look at next.



Currently i am working on project (as freelancer) where tonns of atlasses (no matter why). I need this feature to understand where present problem of fat *.texturec.

Yes i know about texture profiles but … this is another case. Thx.

Can’t you search the build folder for all *.texturec files and sort them by size? And make sure to not apply any texture compression. The largest files should be the ones with largest pixel dimensions.

I find another way - create build with build report. Report roughly shows size and proporsions of resulting texturec.

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