We are hosting a Web Monetization game jam

This saved me 1.2MB (8.6 instead of 9.8) so if you’re concerned about optimisation (there are dozens of us!) then this does help. Thanks @Pkeod


I made a platformer with some basic mechanics, I will be now adding components for puzzles and next week is reserved for levels design. Using 1but platformer pack by our beloved Kenney for now :blush:


Main menu and shop menu created :wink:

Let’s play with those Web Monetizations :sweat_smile:

Next idea is to have hints that you can buy, if you want, but to make it work, I’ll need to design challenging puzzles :smiley:

And some gameplay:


Here’s a video from the recent Future of Micropayments conference where Coil CEO Stefan Thomas talk about “Coil and the Attention Economy”:


Me and my team take part in junction hackathon 2020.
Team was 2 developers, 1 gamedesign, and 1 artist.
We make a conversational game castle attack in defold for
google assistant.

Now we continue work on that game for web monetization gamejam with smaller team
1 developer and 1 artist))

The game is playble.
But there are no secrets, and content for monetized user)) But we will add something secret)


Great game @d954mas! I was at a last turn, when both win screen and this error screen appeared at the same time:

I clicked Send report, but there is no confirmation or so :stuck_out_tongue:

I like the game loop - it is very addictive, but a short tutorial, or just a tutorial page with explanations at the beginning would be great! But it’s acceptable without - I figured everything out by myself anyway :wink:

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Thanks.I will look on it))

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14 days left!

If you did not see it I made a new version of the DomainLock system, it still needs testing, but as is is probably good enough for production. For itch releases setting an internal manifest would be a good idea. I’ll do some more polish and set up the docs in the next few days.

Locking your game to specific domains is important because if you do not other sites will steal your game and profit off your work without giving you a cent. With domain locks, you can better control licensing and distribution so that you get paid for your hard work. Even jam games are good to lock as you never know if you’ve made a hit until it’s already out there and once your unlocked games begin to spread on pirate webgame sites it’s nearly impossible to put an end to it.


11 days left!

If you’re working on a game then continue to pour your secrets into it! If you have not started then there is still plenty of time left to make a solid game! Do your best!


I made a very simple game and I uploaded it on itch here (only one level for now):

But I can’t get the grasp on what is going on with this Web Monetization :confused: - I followed strictly what is in here:

and in Climberz example:

But I don’t know what needs to happen for webmonetization to be NOT nil in my game? It is about what user needs to do to “enable” web monetization? To pay for the unlocks somewhere? How it works? I thought it will be possible to add some button that will redirect you to some payment/wallet site? Please, guys, explain it to me like to a dummy!

Also, for me the game has no sounds at all in browser, while when building in Editor it has, any ideas? :confused:

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Huh, so there is no webmonetization module loaded? And you have added the dependency to game.project?

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@britzl yes:

In init of the main menu gui script:

print("WM", webmonetization)

if webmonetization then
	webmonetization.set_listener(function(self, event, data)
		if event == webmonetization.EVENT_START or event == webmonetization.EVENT_PROGRESS then
        elseif event == webmonetization.EVENT_STOP then

but the first printout gives nil :confused:


I tried with:


but result is the same

And, this is on HTML5?
The error message “Extension webmonetization is not supported”, suggests it’s not on html5.

This extension is only supported for HTML5:


Hmm, this is very logical, I was testing it obviously in Editor, my bad. However, the HTML5 has that indication in main menu which should say “Web Monetization Enabled” when event_start or event_progress appears, but it never changes. My questions are regarding user perspective - how a user enables it/ triggers those events?

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These events are done automatically based on the provider extension.

When I briefly test your S.M.S. game I do see payment events happening (PayTrackr doesn’t seem to work tracking iframe payments so I had to go to the hwcdn link for the game directly to see). And your game says WM is enabled.

I thought it will be possible to add some button that will redirect you to some payment/wallet site?

You can send users to Coil to buy a subscription (which I will be calling a Multipass in my games) / setup their browser. The Puma Browser for mobile supports Coil subscriptions. Eventually there will be other providers besides Coil.


5 days left! :flushed:

It’s a good time to submit your game as some have done, you can always update it again before the gamejam ends. While not an invincible defense to web thieves (locks keep honest people honest), remember to still domainlock your game - the sample manifest has the itch stuff setup already.


@Pkeod thank you so much! So is there a possibility to pay something into that wallet? How can I try this? I am searching for a point to grasp on how to use WM actually :smiley: I have that subscribe button that redirects to Coil. I am obviously registered, have a wallet, added code from @britzl of course and I’m stuck - I don’t know how to use it as a user and can’t find any information on this :confused:

As a user, if you have the subscription active and the extension setup you already have everything to use WM. The extension will send micro payments to any site that has WM enabled, as in a valid payment pointer. And that WM enabled site can check to see if payments are being sent to do things like disable ads or unlock exclusive content. It is up to the site on what they want to do based on having a valid WM payment stream active or not.

You as a user do not manually do payments, it is done automatically for you. In the case of Coil, the total amount of payments you will be able to pay out will generally be around $5 that is paid in the subscription, but I’ve heard it can actually go higher. Maybe it’s based on the total $ being paid in since some people who pay for a subscription won’t be paying many sites since so few have it enabled still.

As a game/site owner you may want to validate payments to see if they are genuine or not (since it’s possible to fake) but this is not easy to do yet and so shouldn’t be expected for most people to do. If you check the callback in the WM extension you can see all of the payments being made, which each amount to fractions of a cent, but together can add up. If many people adopt this tech it can mean the incentives of the net can change for the better potentially.

If you have a wallet setup on Uphold and are using your own payment pointer you should be seeing payments being made to it if you have played your game long enough. You can do whatever you want with this $! If you don’t want to go through the trouble of setting up an Uphold account using the Defold Foundation payment pointer is a good idea.

WM is cool new tech but with global governments clamping down on crypto currency it can put chilling effects on its future.


Ook, thank you so much @Pkeod - so, as a user, I pay my $5 to Coil and playing any games or watching premium content I agree that some small amount of that balance is given to the creator? I wonder where is a user control here? For example - user agree that unlocking a new skin will withhold some amount of his/her money automatically? I can show in game that “you are going to pay e.g. $0.01 for this, do you agree? >yes >no” and after clicking yes, user is automatically charged without moving to any payment method website - am I right? :smiley: I would not like a situation when I open a game and I am charged automatically without me even knowing about it - I always want to do that after a prompt to user, who agree or disagree on that

We tried to explain the basics and the streaming of micro payments here:

No no no. Web Monetization is 100% automatic. It will always happen in the background. The content provide has no influence on how much money gets streamed per second someone is viewing the content. And the user has no influence on how much is paid either.

The only thing that matters is time. The more time you spend the more you will pay. Example:


  • I spend 1 hour reading HackerNoon
  • I spend 2 hours watching videos on Cinnamon
  • I spend 5 hours on the Defold website and forum (yay!)
  • I spend 2 hours playing Climberz (unlikely but it works as an example)
    Total: 10 hours of WM content used in November

Coil will divide your $5/month subscription (minus their cut):

  • Hacker Noon will get 10% of $5
  • Cinnamon will get 20% of $5
  • The Defold Foundation will get 70% of $5 (both Climberz and the Defold site use the same payment pointer)

You will never pay more than the $5 a month. And you will only ever pay for content that you use. If you don’t like something you will quickly go somewhere else. If you like something you will spend time with it and thus pay more.

So as a game developer you get paid more if you have a fun game players come back to over and over. If it’s crap and players leave after a minute you’ll get basically nothing.

We are talking much smaller sums. I visited gamedev.js a while ago, stayed on the site a short time and paid 0.000003546 USD.

BUT it adds up and it can quickly turn into dollars instead of fractions of cents.