I’m working on this thing and I have a system for in-game events that lets me create branching chains of decisions, skill checks etc. It looks something like this:
list.distress[1] = {
stage_type = "dice",
dice_type = "detect",
dice_difficulty = 0.4,
failure = 2,
success = 3
list.distress[2] = {
stage_type = "end",
title = "An uneventful journey",
description = "Nothing of importance happened."
list.distress[3] = {
stage_type = "choice",
title = "A distress signal!",
description = "You have detected an emergency signal from a vessel. Someone may be in trouble. Or they are setting an ambush...",
choices = {}
list.distress[3].choices[1] = {text = "Investigate", result = 4}
list.distress[3].choices[3] = {text = "Ignore it", result = 5}
list.distress[4] = {
stage_type = "dice",
dice_type = "luck",
dice_difficulty = 0.5,
failure = 6,
success = 7
…and so on. This particular bit checks the player’s ability to use comms and then either tells them nothing happened, or gives them a choice to investigate or ignore a distress signal, the later option having two different outcomes depending on blind luck.
I was thinking that there has to be a better way to create these events than just typing out this mess. I’m sure I could write a a nice little program to do this, but it would definitely take me more time than I would save. Typing the data into an excel sheet would be enough, but I have no idea how I’d go about exporting that. I even looked up what JSON is (as I felt like I saw that format mentioned a lot in similar topics), but that looked like it would be even more work than just writing this directly.
Is there a good existing framework that would help me out here?
You can check out my Defork example available in assets - it uses JSON data from Twine - maybe this tool could be useful for you, I’ve even adapted it to creating not only dialogs, but quests too, so it’s possible - only your imagination is your limit JSON table is a friendly structure, try to load some into Defold and see a table in printout console (pprint(table)). Also you can use more general Excel sheet to your needs - @AGulev someday on forum posted a workflow with adding data from Google Sheet (it’s not working for me because the script is not actual and I failed to update it) but if you have MS Excel there is an embedded possibility to export data to JSON - then use Defold’s built-in parser or some other parser from our assets and see what you can do with this
Thank you both for the suggestions! I’ll check out Twine, might be exactly what I need, and in either case I’ll learn something new.
Edit: So I checked out Twine and it’s going to make creating events a lot smoother. It really is exactly what I needed.
The Twinson output looks surprisingly similar to what I had going on, so that’s nice. I figured how to load the resulting JSON files as custom resources and json.decode() gives me a nice lua table.
Now I just have to either write a little bit of code to make the table look like the format I was using until now or modify my code to be able to utilize the Twinson output directly. Probably a bit of both.
I thought about that, but it’s most likely a bit above my paygrade. At any rate, the amount of work I’d have to put into it would negate any time saved.