Think I’m finished. Going to sit on it until tomorrow and release if nothing comes up. At the start, I never imagined ending up making a new alphabet.
I’m pretty confident I will have a finished game by the end of it. It remains to be seen if the game will be fun to play, but it should have a start, middle and end at least.
In other news, enemy heroes will be capped at level 10 as I can’t think of ways to make their sprites more badass than the last one here:
Hi guys, I submitted my game. Hope you enjoy it
Just began working on my game and almost finished the main game level. No more Splunkey like proc gen, due to time restrictions . Yet, The theme is going to be as @Pawel picked up, so you’re an archeologist exploring the source of your missing colleagues. I’m sure you’re going to enjoy it.
Great news I am wondering what world you are preparing @benjames171
it looks really interesting!
@Klear, yeah, the “Dark Lord” looks ultimately badass
Great game @phongduong! fresh idea and really nice feel
@TheKing0x9, I struggle to make it more related to the difficulties of modern world with water sources that are drying really fast and are insufficient for growing (at an alarming rate) needs - our needs.
Make a Twitter account! It’s a good marketing tool for free. Just post gifs and screenshots on #gamedev hashtag alone gets you a ton of free exposure.
Made decent progress on my thingy today. Got some weird growths happening. Decided how the basic gameplay loop will go. I just have to hook up a fade-out and some minimum viable interface to make it playable. Repainted the background a bit…
We’ll see what I can get done tomorrow. I’m hoping to get local multiplayer in, and then probably spend a while tweaking things to make it semi-balanced and maybe even fun!
I should probably break down and change the goofy car-like player physics to simple cardinal direction controls, haha, but we’ll see.
@ross.grams i have no idea what this is, but it looks cool, haha.
My “game” is not a game . i had a really simple idea, and then i decided it would be cool if it were super complicated and “alive” and now I’m about 0.5% into making the “new” idea that spawned from the original idea, which given an unlimited amount of time I’m pretty sure i still couldn’t pull off.
My job has burned me out. Last couple days I’ve done zero work on my UDGJ game, but hopefully I’ll be able to put up at least SOMETHING.
Been there, am still doing that. But for the Jam entry, I had a pretty complex idea from the start and every day I’m decide to cut something from my plans and maybe implement it after the jam if I feel it’s worth it.
The jam is actually a great excercise for cutting off unnecessary ballast.
I’ll consider it for sure
Progress for last days:
I’ve added some unbreachable stones, there is a couple of levels designed, there are hints and even some other texts for reflections
Here’s my entry. About as good as I can get it in the timeframe.
Breakdown of project:
200 individual graphic items
25 sound effects + 1 music track
17 scripts
10 individual game objects
8 gui components
8 collections
4 tilemaps
3 atlases
3 particle generators
2 lua modules
1 tired dev
This game is amazing! There is a dense ambiance, getting closer to those fans is suggestive, the abandoned base is frightening (would be even scarier, when you’d decide to flood area with darkness and the protagonist would have a flashlight and can see only what is lit!). The code in a “new alphabet” is amazing, I was looking for it with curiosity
I would love also arrows/WSAD controls, and, and, and a mobile version!
This. I feel like the mouse controls are dragging the game down. The combination of being unable to give a new order while the character is moving, getting stuck on corners and having to mouse over to a different area to skip a turn make it hard to enjoy the excellent atmosphere.
I’ll be back with a more detailed review after the Jam is done. I still have tons of work ahead of me.
I got used to it and explained to myself with the fov of the hero, you can’t guide him to the place he don’t see. It’s consistent through all the levels and that’s why I suggested a flashlight mechanics
Puzzles with colored cables/connectors aren’t as challenging as those with a pin code I think you could add the “receipe” for the correct order somewhere else, like with the code
Moreover, I think, that getting exhausted doesn’t mean anything (thanks to that I was able to complete it, because I was lacking batteries)
Loaded up “escape from mars” for a minute on my phone earlier. Looks really neat. Will definitely give it a good playthrough after tomorrow
Of course I would run into some weird bug that I have to fight with for hours right when I’m trying to finish up…
Hahahaha, perfect. I had that on thursday. Spent 4 hours trying to find a bug affecting a stupid GUI button that was a copy of another GUI button that worked perfectly. Ended up re-building my whole data deposit/retrieval system, thinking there was a synchronization issue with the way i was fetching data into my gui. It was totally not that, I found the real problem later. BUT now i have a much better data storage/retrieval system! Yay!
I (surprisingly) haven’t ran into any major problems (edit: yet), aside from being way too slow. 18 hours remaining isn’t bad, but turns out I have to sleep too.
In case anyone is interested, what I have so far can be found on gitHub. Expect increasingly desperate commit messages tomorrow!
Here is my submission. It was also made for a workshop I had in GameDev in Kazan meetup.
This is an infinite source of enjoyment for match-3 addicts.