Unofficial Defold Game Jam #2

Let’s get it started! :smiley:

Day 1

The base is my Defluid example. I’ve just added tilesource from OGA, created first tilemap, initialized screen managing and adjusted camera and render properties, so it looks more consistent (aka more pixelated :smiley: )


That water reminds me of Another World.


You’re not alone in this hunt :smile:
I’m still stuck with the idea part, but at least thought of two very vague ones:

  • The first one is a sidescroller game where you descend into the depths of a cave to find the source of recurring earthquakes (or volcanoes, or some thing similar). It will have a general story bound platfomer gameplay, with proc generated splunkey like levels. :face_with_monocle:
  • The second one is a survival horror game, where you roam around your house to find the source of otherworldly experiences that have been threatening u. :ghost:

Still thinking :thinking: , but wanted to ask in general, which one do you think is better?
(A vague question again, but still :wink: )


Both ideas are great! :smiley: Nonetheless I consider the first option a little bit more suitable for the theme and intriguing what do you have on your mind teasing us with Spelunky like levels :smiley:


I’ve only manged to come up with rougly 70% of an idea. The game is going to be something like little alchemy. More concrete details to be decided :sunny:
Good luck guys!


So the game I decided on is definitely not a “jam” game :joy: but It’s coming along ok so far and should be playable with basic features by the deadline, if I’m lucky. Working titles at the moment are either “Source-Sink” or “(0, 0, 0)”


Haha, that’s an awesome name!


Steady progress on my game for UDGJ. More than half the time so far has been spent designing graphics and levels. It’s not yet feeling like a proper game which is of some concern so I’ll be focusing solely on core mechanics for the next day or so. That said, I’m fairly happy with how the game is with 6 days to go.

A new thing (for me) for this game is dynamic sounds - that is, some objects emit sound and that sound gets louder and quieter depending on the player’s proximity to it. I’m also trying to blur the line where music and sound design meets (think Terminator 2).

This is likely to be my last game for a while (life and all that), so I want it to be a good one.


:point_up:really looking forward to playing this. Visual style is slick and I can sort of “feel” how it plays already.


Aww, that’s sad to hear. In any case, it already looks like something I really want to play.


My code is slowly but surely becoming a mess and I’m not sure if I have the time to stop and make it more elegant or whether I should just push on. I’ll probably take the second option.

Anyway, you can now summon spiders and goblins and empower one per level to become a boss version:


I’ll work on (computer controlled) adventurers next. Let them attack, kill, level up, flee and die.


Unfortuantely, I got my computer broken and needed to fix this… :sob:

But, today I made some progress, I can now in a very dirty way destroy a selected tile, so the water can go through. It is working on action.released, so you need to click every tile, but I hope I will have enough time before deadline to polish it, add some explosion so more tiles could be affected. Then I need to add some game mechanics around this idea :smiley:

Another thing is, that I have a problem that is mentioned here every time I click on a tile :confused: For now, I don’t have any idea how to overcome it :confused:

Defold team, how’s your progress, guys??? :smiley:


How varied are your collision shapes? Looks like mostly just squares?

I don’t enjoy the built-in tile collision (no offense intended to the engine/editor, it’s more my lack of knowledge in programming, and my preference for tight platformer physics).

If you’re talking about just mouse clicks registering collision on tiles, my preferred method is to not use collision objects at all, but instead make a little table of which tiles are clickable and which aren’t (from the tilesource, so if the map is generated randomly at runtime it’s no big deal), and then when the map is created create a nested x/y table of all the tile values. When you click on a tile, do some math on the coordinates (÷ by tile width/height, more or less) to get the “tile” under the mouse, compare it’s value to your premade table, and apply collision.

Complicated shapes work too, just gotta also check which pixel inside the tile you’re on, and compare that to a premade table as well. I’ve successfully implemented some nice classic platformer physics/controls this way, with a couple different slope angles, without using a single collision object.

Not sure about the overhead, though…


If it’s a question to me, yes, on that screenshot, mostly squares, but you can see there also other shapes defined by the tile image as well :wink: Check this out:


When you apply a tile image as a collision shape, Defold creates collision polygons for me, it’s very easy. I’m only selecting which collision group the tile is assigned to (all those red marked tiles are simply in “ground” collision group). Then, again using Defold’s collisions, all the water particles are handled by physics engine, colliding with the ground.

I am detecting clicks and the calculating the clicked x,y position to the tile coordinates, so again thanks to Defold, I can easily get the selected tile, and change it. For now I’ve expanded the explosion area and it works like this:

It’s not perfect, but I’m working on it :smiley:


Awesome progress, love the updates!

Yikes, I haven’t got to actually coding, still hoping to get some demo/tech stuff done before deadline at least. :cry:


I’m fiddling around with . . . something. Gotta figure out how to make it an actual game though.


I’ve finished most of the core gameplay and have closed the game loop. With a couple of days left, I’m adding a puzzle or two using just gui functions to vary the gameplay a bit.


Only made a small progress till now :sob: . Will work seriously from tomorrow onwards (3 Day LD style :wink: )


I’m pretty much starting from scratch since my idea to make a game “like little alchemy” turned out to be in fact little alchemy. And that’s why you never half-ass ideas kids. Lesson learned.
Back to the drawing board.
Guess I’m now doing Defold Dare :sunglasses:


Basic gameplay loop is closed - the target is to fill the logo:


You have a limited amount of bombs and each water droplet dries pretty fast.