Unable to create resource: Font

Hello I am getting this error when trying to run the game with the development app on Android / Windows.

WARNING:RESOURCE: Unable to create resource: /main/fonts/score.fontc
WARNING:RESOURCE: Unable to create resource: /main/gui/play.guic
WARNING:RESOURCE: Unable to create resource: /_generated_dbe2ea85.goc
ERROR:GAMEOBJECT: Could not instantiate game object from prototype /_generated_dbe2ea85.goc.
WARNING:RESOURCE: Unable to create resource: /main/main.collectionc
INFO:DLIB: SSDP: Done on address


There seems to be a problem with the font somehow. What if you start to strip away things from the app, does it eventually run? Start perhaps by removing the score.font from the play.gui and fix any broken references (perhaps by replacing with the system font). Does it work?

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It runs normaly with the normal pc defold emulator

You mean when you do “Project->Build”?

yes, and hot reload

Could you please share the project with me (bjorn.ritzl@king.com)?

Are you sure the app om the device has the same version as the editor you are using to connect to device? The (internal) data format for fonts have changed in the last few releases.

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Ah, excellent idea there Johan! This could very well be the cause of the problem.

I thought we checked that they are the same version, otherwise you shouldn’t be able to hot reload?
Haven’t verified in a long time though.

I create the project with defold 2.
I have the dmengine.apk 1.2.144 (last)

WARNING:RESOURCE: Unable to create resource: /main/fonts/score.fontc
WARNING:RESOURCE: Unable to create resource: /main/gui/play.guic
WARNING:RESOURCE: Unable to create resource: /_generated_dbe2ea85.goc
ERROR:GAMEOBJECT: Could not instantiate game object from prototype /_generated_dbe2ea85.goc.
WARNING:RESOURCE: Unable to create resource: /main/main.collectionc

help me please :c

thanks c:

Can you share the project with me (bjorn.ritzl@king.com)