Im making a system where, in one collection, there are items the player picks up, which are then added to the inventory array. When an item is added to the array, the array is immediatly saved to the file. This all works and i end up with this in the file:
HDTB inventoryQ [“Crate”,“Crate”,“Crate”,“Crate”,“Crate”,“Crate”,“Crate”,“Crate”,“Crate”,“Crate”]
The scripts that handle this are the crate script:
function init(self)".", "acquire_input_focus")
ObjectName = "Crate"--the name saved in the save file
function on_input(self, action_id, action)
if action_id == hash("interact")then
if self.Touching == hash("/Player") then--only runs if the player is touching a collision object on the object, "ItemPickedUp",{objecturl = ObjectName})--tells the player that it has picked up this item
function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)
--this part is for the proximity trigger
if message_id == hash("collision_response") then--if it's colliding with something
self.Touching = message.other_id--self.Touching is set to the id of that object
And part of the player script:
local json = require("json")--need this to save and load arrays
savefile_path = sys.get_save_file("StellarSalvagers", "SaveFile")--defines file path where game data is saved
inventory = {}--creates the inventory array
inventoryslots = 10--number of slots the player has
function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)
if message_id == hash("ItemPickedUp") then--(for the item picking up) if it receives a message from an object that it has been picked up
if #inventory < 10 then --only runs if the number of objects in the inventory array is less thn 10 (Change to set the max slots)
local itempickedup = message.objecturl
table.insert(inventory, itempickedup)--adds the item picked up to the inventory
inventoryslots = inventoryslots - 1--removes one from the slots left"/Player#SalvagingHUD","UpdateHUDSlots",{inventoryslotsremaining = inventoryslots})--sends a message to the GUI script to update the HUD, {inventory = json.encode(inventory)})--cant save arrays themselves, have to encode them first into a string to save them
if message_id == hash("trigger_response") then--(for the door system)
if message.enter then --if the player enters a trigger, "Triggered")
else, "UnTriggered")
When the other collection, the ship, is loaded, my intention is for the inventory to be added to another array called cargo, which the script then checks, and spawns all the items in that array using a collection factory. This is the ship script:
local json = require("json")--need this to save and load arrays
savefile_path = sys.get_save_file("StellarSalvagers", "SaveFile")--defines file path where game data is saved
SavedData = sys.load(savefile_path)--loads the data file and assigns it to a variable
function init(self)"/Ship#Ship")
local Inventory = {}--ensures the array always exists even if its empty to prevent errors
if SavedData.inventory then--if it exists in the save file
Inventory = json.decode(SavedData.inventory)--defines the decoded inventory array as a variable
for i =1,#Inventory do--prints the entire Inventory array
print("Inventory Item",i,":",Inventory[i])
cargo = {}
if SavedData.cargo then
cargo = json.decode(SavedData.cargo)
if #cargo < 15 then--wont continue adding items from the inventory if cargo is full (15 slots)
for i = 1, #Inventory do--inserts each value from inv into cargo one at a time
table.insert(cargo, Inventory[i])
for i =1,#cargo do--prints the entire cargo array
print("Cargo Item",i,":",cargo[i])
end, {cargo = json.encode(cargo)})--saves the cargo array to the data file
function SpawnItem()--function to spawn an item in
local CargoSlots = {
{11,{x = 170, y = 1220, z = 1}},
{12,{x = 245, y = 1220, z = 1}},
{13,{x = 320, y = 1220, z = 1}},
{21,{x = 170, y = 1145, z = 1}},
{22,{x = 245, y = 1145, z = 1}},
{23,{x = 320, y = 1145, z = 1}},
{31,{x = 170, y = 1070, z = 1}},
{32,{x = 245, y = 1070, z = 1}},
{33,{x = 320, y = 1070, z = 1}},
{41,{x = 170, y = 1000, z = 1}},
{42,{x = 245, y = 1000, z = 1}},
{43,{x = 320, y = 1000, z = 1}},
{51,{x = 170, y = 920, z = 1}},
{52,{x = 245, y = 920, z = 1}},
{53,{x = 320, y = 920, z = 1}}
}--array storing each slot and its coordinates but with a z of 1 so that the items spawn on top
for i=1,#cargo do--starts at 1 and ends when the array ends
local XCoord = CargoSlots[i][2].x--sets x coordinate of variable to the one in the array
local YCoord = CargoSlots[i][2].y
local ZCoord = CargoSlots[i][2].z
local pos = vmath.vector3(XCoord,YCoord,ZCoord)--creates variable of coordinates based on the xyz values in the array
factory.create("/Factories#Crate", pos)--spawns the object at the pos
I get this error in the ship: ERROR:SCRIPT: main/Ship.script:54: Unsupported serialized table data: version = 0x20202004 (current = 0x4)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Might have missed some key info out but tried not to, lmk. Thanks