Tilesource editor not showing colours of collisiongroups

Hi all,

I was having a really hard time with trying to understand tilesource collision grouping … turns out, my defold-editor is not showing colours per collisiongroup.

I’m note sure this is a bug or that I’m missing some setting in my editor ? Reading this Defold tile source manual , it looks as though there should be automatically assigned colours matching the collisiongroups in the right pane ; every tile I select seems to be outlined with “green” colour … or maybe my eyes or just that bad ? :wink:


That looks right. I don’t know how it chooses the colors, but does it outline with a different color if you select the other collision groups and then click a tile? I get green and cyan in a test project.

The problem is actually in the rightside “Outline” pane, where the Collision Groups are defined ; I can add groups, and select tiles, and they are assigned to the group which is highlighted in the right pane (although really slow; when I click a tile, it takes approx. 2 sec for it change its tint)

But the actual Collision Groups in in that pane don’t change colour, so I cannot see which tiles belong to which Collision Group in the editor.

in the screenshot, you can see the tiles outlined with colours
island → cyan
water → red
wall → green
but the outline pane does not reflect these groups, I though the text would turn into the colour of the tiles that were selected for that collision group.

I hope I’m making sense here :slight_smile:

grtz & thnx

The text in the outline pane - no, that doesn’t change colour.

ok, so, if it’s not a bug, could I make it a feature request ?
Or is there maybe another trick/way to remember/know which tiles are part of which group ?

Yes, sure, please create a feature request on GitHub!