Display tile coordinate of mouse position in bottom left or right of viewport. This would be extremely helpful for figuring out the coordinates of key tiles that will be used with tilemap.get_tile(url, name, x-coordinate, y-coordinate)
Bucket fill, similar to photoshop or gimp where all connected spaces of the same tile are replaced by the selected tile.
Export map as PNG or JPG. Screenshots work for small areas, but an exported image would be helpful for larger areas.
Allow the addition of multiple layer folders, with world space z offset per folder. The current method for having a foreground and a background requires two tilemaps. I saw another forum post suggesting that layer z positions should be in world space. However, I think it would be more helpful to keep z positions by layer within a folder local, and instead allow multiple folders within the same grid to have z positions that are global. This is how I picture it:
----Layers_1 (world space z = -1)
----Layers_2 (world space z = 1)