TileMap collisions are not removed/changed when set_tile is used (#4829)

To replicate:

  1. Create a tilemap with a factory.
  2. Use set_tile to change a collision tile to a different tile.

Minimal example: SetTileCollisions.zip (31.0 KB)

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Hmm, strange, I thought we had fixed this. @JCash what are your thoughts on this?

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No real idea I’m afraid, we’ll just have to take a look at it again.

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New game, same issue. Any revelations in regards to this?

Sorry, no. We haven’t had time to look into this yet.

It feels like this should be fairly easy to solve.

So the question is if the dirty flag gets cleared before the collision object component reads it, and thus never updated the collision object shape?

Is this a reasonable analysis @JCash?

It sounds very plausible, yes.

Created https://github.com/defold/defold/issues/4829