Testing Mobile Game from Template - ERROR:DLIB

I’ve create a new project using the Mobile game from template and made it some little changes:

1 - Added DefOS lib as a dependency to game.project
2.- Added the below lines to game.project(text) in order to setup the game’s window:
view_width = 550
view_height = 973
view_x = 1000
view_y = 10
3. Changes to main.script:

function init(self)
	msg.post(".", "acquire_input_focus")
	local sW = sys.get_config_int("display.width")
	local sH = sys.get_config_int("display.height")
	local sW2, sH2 = window.get_size()
	go.set_position( vmath.vector3(sW*0.5,sH*0.5,0) )
	go.set_position( vmath.vector3(sW,sH,0), "go1" )
	go.set_position( vmath.vector3(sW*0.5,sH*0.5,0), "go2" )

function on_input(self, action_id, action)
	if action_id == hash("touch") and action.pressed then

Then I tested it in my android device using the mobile development app.
Visually the result is ok, but in the console of Defold I got some errors after a few seconds:

INFO:ENGINE: Defold Engine 1.8.0 (9141d9d)
INFO:DLIB: Initialized Remotery (ws://
INFO:ENGINE: Loading data from:
INFO:ENGINE: Initialised sound device ‘default’
DEBUG:SCRIPT: Running in Defold simulator (editor)
DEBUG:SCRIPT: Running on a real device or release build
ERROR:DLIB: …/src/dlib/socket_posix.cpp( 102 ): SOCKET: Unknown result code 19
WARNING:DLIB: Failed to send announce message (-1000)
ERROR:DLIB: …/src/dlib/socket_posix.cpp( 102 ): SOCKET: Unknown result code 19
WARNING:DLIB: Failed to send announce message (-1000)

This message comes from:

In a debug build the Defold engine will try to announce its presence on the network using SSDP. This is used when connecting to the engine from the editor to hot reload content. Unless you care about the hot reload feature you can ignore the message. It will not happen in a release version of your game.

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Great… thank you @britzl