Syntax for factory.create() (SOLVED)

So I have a few questions about factory.create()

First off, I have an error that I’m trying to resolve

I’m not sure if the syntax is just wrong or if my setup is somehow wrong. The idea is that I have my gui script that contains the logic for what happens when you click on a button. What I want to do right now is spawn an image (currently attached to a game object) when a button is pressed. Clearly, my code is not doing that (hence the error) and I’m wondering where I’m going wrong.

Secondly, can factory objects be saves and stored in a table? What i want to ultimately accomplish (once I figure out how to use factory.create) is store all the game objects I’ve created through the factory in a table and later delete them. Is it possible to do something like:

created_object = factory.create(url, [pos])
table.insert(name_of_table, created_object)

And would removing that object with table.remove() delete the object entirely?

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I am new to using Defold, so there may be a better way; but, perhaps you can try this to correct syntax:

factory.create("#LightAttackFactory", vmath.vector3(10, 10, 0))

This example shows how to create factory objects, and store them in tables. It think it does what you are looking for.


That fixed the error, thanks. Ended up with another problem with the fourth value (it doesn’t like you putting nil for the the property aspect) but I worked around it by making a nil table and passing that in. Needed the fifth spot for scale.


factory.create() returns the url path for the created object, so yes you can store that in a table exactly like you said. It’s just the url though, so removing it from the table won’t do anything to the object. You need to use go.delete(created_object) for that. (and then remove the url from the table.)


Quick comment just to make sure things are completely clear, factory.create returns an id right? Not a url. Or at least that’s what everything I’ve looked up has been telling me.

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You are correct, it’s an id, not an url. (factory documentation)


Ah, yeah sorry I said that wrong. I meant the “path”/id part of the url. Socket:path#fragment

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