Strange behaviour with Retina display / how to detect Retina display


I’m getting some strange behaviour in my game that seems to be related to Mac Retina displays. I’m not getting bug reports about this from any other OS.

Basically, what I do in my game is that rather than using gameobjects/tiles for the bottom layer (floor) of my levels, I load in one large PNG file as a texture into a GUI that tracks the camera. The script looks like this (posting for reference only as this does work 99% of the time):

	local img = image.load(ground_png_file, true)

	self.ground_node = gui.new_box_node(vmath.vector3(current_num_rows * 20, current_num_cols * 10 - 4, 0), vmath.vector3(img.width, img.height,0))

	gui.new_texture("ground_texture", img.width, img.height, "rgba", img.buffer, false)
	gui.set_texture(self.ground_node, "ground_texture")
	gui.set_adjust_mode(self.ground_node, gui.ADJUST_STRETCH)

The scene should look like this:

But what happens is that the floor is rendered at the wrong scale and so doesn’t sit where it should:

I have tried to detect whether or not a display is Retina using DefOS, but not sure how to do it. I tried using “scaling_factor”, which is 2 for one user that is having the issue. However, that would result in false positives since on my Windows machine, a high resolution monitor with a scaling factor of 2 displays the floor perfectly.

So I have two questions:

1 - do you have any idea what causes Retina displays to behave like this?
I’m not very hopeful for an answer here but if you have any leads that would be great.

2 - how would you go about detecting whether a screen is Retina or not?
The closest thing I can think of is combining sys.get_sys_info() to detect a Mac and then use scaling_factor ~= 1. Is there a better way? (I ask this because I could choose to just render the floor tiles individually, it’s a performance hit but better than the game being unplayable.)

You can use DefOS and get_displays() to query the scaling factor.

Thank you! However, the scaling factor isn’t in and of itself an indicator of Retina or that the issue occurs. I’ve got a high res monitor on Windows which is set to scaling_factor 2 and doesn’t have any problems.