Store rgb part of a colour vector in a constant/a variable

I have a bunch of colours where the alpha is changing lots - but not the rgb bit.
So, I’d like to store this rgb bit in a constant:

local WHITE = vmath.vector3(1, 1, 1)

Then, in the script, I set the alpha value separately:

	gui.set_color(node, WHITE)
	gui.set_alpha(node, alpha)

Now I wonder if this could be done in a one-liner:

gui.set_color(node, vmath.vector4(the constant bit, alpha))

In short: is it possible to store parts of a vector in a constant/a variable? So far, I haven’t found a way.

This might be useful!

Thank you @Alex_8BitSkull!
I know the api of course - and can’t find anything in it to anwer my question. :woman_shrugging:

I was trying to link specifically to the gui.set_alpha function, which if I understand your problem would be a solution! It’s not an answer to the question you asked, but would solve your problem anyway (if alpha is the only thing you’re changing).

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Ah - cool. :ok_hand:
Sure, that is what do atm - set my rgb and in the next line set alpha. I am just curious if it is possible to, how shall I put this - construct a vector4 out of my vector3 that hold the rgb values and the alpha. Sheer curiosity.

I think I understand now. It can be done in a one-liner like this:

gui.set_color(node, vmath.vector4(WHITE.x, WHITE.y, WHITE.z, alpha))

I’m not aware of a cleaner way or a way that allows you to “convert” a vec3 to a vec4.


Ahh! Of course, how could I miss this. :woman_facepalming: Thank you Alex!


If this is the only thing you’re going to use it for, rather than making a new vector4 every time, you could just make your constant a vector4 and modify its alpha value every time. To make it a one-liner, well, you put it into a function!

local WHITE = vmath.vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)

local function set_color(node, color, alpha)
	color.w = alpha or 1
	gui.set_color(node, color)

Ahh - that is a cool solution too, a function. Missed that one too. :woman_facepalming: Thank you Ross!