Starry background : Tiles or particles?

For my space 4X game, I though of putting a starry background.
Last time, with Godot, I used the particle generator for that. Worked (not everything hit you in the groin in Godot).
But I wonder if it wouldn’t be better, like less ressource intensive, to use a simple tile map.

I’m looking for advices : For a background made of black paint with a lot of shiny and blinking white dots, is it better to use the defold’s particle system (wich I still have do discover) or to create a tile map ?

Nota : There is a lot of PNG images already used in this game (Atlases can be big). It’s turn by turn, meaning the framerate is not really important. That’s why I though first of using the particles system.

Edit : Spelling.

My favorite solution is a vertex cloud of point primitives; one object and no textures. Defold does not directly support point primitives yet, but drawing very short lines can do the trick. A shader could animate them.


You still want smooth frame rate and not stuttering animations don’t you? My suggestion is to try with particle effects first and try to achieve the look you are after. Particle fx systems can be a bit more resource intensive, but are usually not a source of performance problems.


Thank you, I going to look at those particle effects.