Spine bounds, is there any property?

Thank you @Andreas_Jirenius for all your previous answers about Spine!

I have one more question.
I need

go.get("#sprite", "size.x")

but for Spines.

How would you get the bounds for a Spine?

I need bounds to know when the user has clicked on a Spine-Object. This was easy to do with Sprite, but I’m not sure how it works with Spine.

I don’t think you can currently do that.

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Is it still not possible to get the bounds/size of a spine inside a Game Object?

There is no such property on the spine component.

What is your use case? Perhaps you can use one of the bones of the spine model for something useful?
(we create a game object at each bone’s position)

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I also have a similar issue.
The use cause would be positioning health bars above heroes in my game.