Spine behaviour inside go

Hi everybody! :slight_smile:

A little question about go and spine animations. I created go (for example it named “glow” ) in collection, and inside glow.go I put spine.
At some situations spine needed to be played, at other situations stops. And what I noticed - to stop animation I disable go, but for playing animation there is no need to enable go, cause spine.play_anim() start the animation without enabling go. Is it correct behaviour? Go enabled automatically when animation start to play? Or I miss something?

Hi @Tamika

Their is spine.cancel() funtion available to stop animation


Yeah, I know about this, thank you!
But interesting exactly case with go :slight_smile: Using node disabling is not necessarity, but I wonder why playing animation without “go enabling” works. :slight_smile:

All game objects and components are enabled by default.