Spine Animation Speed

Hello there,
I am working with spine animation and would like to slow them down, like play at half the speed, I checked the api reference for spine API reference (spine) but I couldn’t find a property that suits what I need, any recommendations ?

Yeah, it seems the documentation needs an upgrade.

The spine component has a “cursor” property, that is in the range [0.0, 1.0]

go.set(url, “cursor”, 0.5)

But that would only set the animation to halfway from start to finish. It wouldn’t change the animation speed. Although I guess you could animate it using go.animate()?

local duration = 3
go.set(url, "cursor", 0.0)
go.animate(url, "cursor", go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD, 1.0, go.EASING_LINEAR, duration)

This doesn’t play the animation at a fraction of the original speed (eg half the speed), but rather sets the animation duration to an absolute time, in this case 3 seconds.

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Yes, sorry, I got side tracked.
The property name is ofc “playback_rate”

Ah, I was looking for that in the manual!

I’m currently updating the script api as we speak :slight_smile:

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Ok, it’s here:

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So basically, spine.play_anim is just a wrapper for this and if we want any editing on how fast it plays we should use the “cursor” property, correct ?

No, you should use “playback_rate”. Sorry for the confusion above!

Could you please write a code sample just to clear this confusion out ?

go.set(url, “playback_rate”, 0.5)

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