Spine animation blending problem

We’re prototyping an object that can move around the screen. It uses different looping Spine animations depending on whether it’s moving left or right, or is static.

I specify a blend_duration of 0.5, and the problem is that sometimes the blend occurs, and sometimes it doesn’t. To debug this I’ve made the object stay in place and cycle between the upright/right/left animations.

You can see from the attached video that it’s inconsistent.
I’ve checked the file in the Spine skeleton viewer tool, and it can blend between animations with no problem.

My only hypothesis is that it might be something to do with loop points.

This is on Windows 10, version 1.2.185

There seems to be a repeating pattern of 4 good blends followed by 2 bad blends. Perhaps this is just a consequence of the relationship between the animation length and the frequency with which I play a new anim.

I saw the response from @britzl that there won’t be any fixes to the current Spine implementation, which makes total sense, so if anyone can think of a workaround for this it would be great to hear.

Also realised that I posted this under ‘Questions’ without asking one - does anyone have experience with blending between looping anims like this?