I’m newbie at Defold. I’m trying to zoom my camera, but I couldn’t by changing the properties of it
Also, I have another question: I’m trying to make a RPG, but I didn’t get it where I have to start by making speech bubbles and even set it to show when pressing a certain button.
The Orthographic Zoom value will only be used if you also check the OrthoGraphic Projection checkbox.
You can show text using either a Label component (Label text components in Defold) or a GUI text node (Defold GUI text nodes). Use a label if you want the text attached to a game object. Use a GUI text node if you always want the text shown in the same location on the screen.
hello! i have the Orhtographic Projection box checked and it still does nothing.
when i look for the property, i do not get a boolean, but rather this message.
am i missing something? thank you!
The acquire_camera_focus
message goes to the camera component itself, not the whole game object like with acquire_input_focus
msg.post("#camera", "acquire_camera_focus")
Oops, I forgot you need to do
msg.post("@render:", "use_camera_projection")
as well to use the camera. As for the error, I don’t think getting/setting the orthographic_projection
property is supported since it’s not listed as an available property in the camera reference:
hey, you’re right, idk why it is listed here.
msg.post("@render:", "use_camera_projection")
makes the whole screen black lol. im sure it has to do with vmath.vector3()
. i’ll figure it out…
Now check in the Editor the preview of what the camera sees - it is probably that camera is set at Z position 0 (like most probably everything else), so camera might not see your game.