[Solved]Slowdown/Temporary Freezing for .lua modules exceeding 1500 lines

My Project.zip (15.9 KB)

For my project I have a lot of calculations and data; rolling loot tables, coordinating node movement, the usual suspects - I use lua modules for this.

What I’m running into is that when a module gets to be ~1500 lines or more, there’s a ridiculous amount of lag that locks up the entire IDE if I type anything from a sentence to just a word. Here’s a recording of it:

I’m not sure if it’s a system issue on my end, or an actual problem with the IDE. I set everything I could related to Defold to a high priority and still get that slowdown. I’ve attached the sample project from the video with 2 modules, one ~2200 lines long, the other with a nearly empty module. Is anyone else running into this issue, or seeing it themselves?

Machine Specs in case that’s relevant:
CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K
Memory: 16 GB DDR3 Ram


Just updating this, I’ve since upgraded my PC and the slowdown now occurs in files ~6000 lines, and the 1-2000 line files are handled much better. I can only conclude that the files are just getting too large. Moving it to solved since we have an answer of what it was.