I’d like to make the “magic circle” follow the mouse position even when no input is detected.
The problem here is that the camera is auto-scrolling, so the physical cursor can “move” without triggering any input. In the meantime, the magic circle (supposed to follow the mouse position) stays immobile until I move or click to trigger the power (= input detected).
I came to the same conclusion, which leads me to my second problem (I didn’t want to include it in my 1st message before knowing if there was a simple solution)
Since I need to know precisely when the input is detected (or not), I tried to use a boolean to do so.
Set to false by default in the update function:
function update(self, dt)
gp.is_input = false
and set to true when input is detected:
function on_input(self, action_id, action)
gp.is_input = true
But the parameter remains set to false (like if the update function has priority over the on_input function… or something. I don’t know)
So I’m doing something wrong.
Is there a simple way to know if no input is detected?
Yes, and you are on the right track. You need to check if the mouse’s position has changed since last frame.
I believe this can be done by checking that action.dx and action.dy are both exactly 0. But you can also try storeing the mouse’s position as a variable, and checking it each frame.
Now it works as intended and seems super obvious, but it required a few “die & retry” iterations to reach this “stupid & simple” solution (took the wrong path 2-3 times)
In case someone encounters this little specific (but annoying) issue and finds this post:
In the camera script, you calculate the camera position delta (between current and old… old = previous frame):
function update(self, dt)
gp.camPos_delta = gp.camPos - gp.camPos_old
gp.camPos_old = gp.camPos
Then in the script of the game object you want to adjust the position, you add this delta:
function update(self, dt)
self.pos.x, self.pos.y = self.pos.x + gp.camPos_delta.x, self.pos.y + gp.camPos_delta.y
In the end, you don’t have to check if the mouse is moving or not (which, for some reason, was not 100% accurate and generated sub-issues) since the “camPos_delta” makes the adjustment automatically.
For what it’s worth, the “how to get mouse position even if no input is detected” issue was not solved at all (I realized that recently: it works on mobile -which is pretty normal- but not on desktop)