Hey there.
I am moving a character (player) on a tilemap. The tilemap has collisions.
If the player runs around/near a corner he’ll stuck.
Does anyone has an idea how to solve this or how to do it better?
Game can be tested here: (Use F9 for the physics debug)
Here are some code-snippets how the input and movement works:
- the tilemap is a simple tilemap with 2 layers - a background and a front with some furnitures etc. Nearly all tiles have a collision set up in the tileset.
Here is a screenshot of the game with physics debug: the player is stuck at the corner
the player with collision (already smaller - I hoped this would help):
the positioning:
-- set posi
self.pos = go.get_position()
local newpos = self.pos + self.paul.movedirection * self.paul.movespeed * dt
- input:
function on_input(self, action_id, action)
if action.pressed then
if action_id == hash("KEY_LSHIFT") then
self.paul.movespeed = self.paul.walkspeed + self.paul.runspeed
elseif action_id == hash("KEY_UP") then
self.paul.movedirection.y = 1
msg.post("#sprite", "play_animation", {id = hash(self.paulstate[self.paul.state]["walk"])})
elseif action_id == hash("KEY_DOWN") then
self.paul.movedirection.y = -1
msg.post("#sprite", "play_animation", {id = hash(self.paulstate[self.paul.state]["walk"])})
elseif action_id == hash("KEY_LEFT") then
self.paul.movedirection.x = -1
msg.post("#sprite", "play_animation", {id = hash(self.paulstate[self.paul.state]["walk"])})
elseif action_id == hash("KEY_RIGHT") then
self.paul.movedirection.x = 1
msg.post("#sprite", "play_animation", {id = hash(self.paulstate[self.paul.state]["walk"])})
elseif action.released then
if action_id == hash("KEY_LSHIFT") then
self.paul.movespeed = self.paul.walkspeed
elseif action_id == hash("KEY_UP") then
self.paul.movedirection.y = 0
elseif action_id == hash("KEY_DOWN") then
self.paul.movedirection.y = 0
elseif action_id == hash("KEY_LEFT") then
self.paul.movedirection.x = 0
elseif action_id == hash("KEY_RIGHT") then
self.paul.movedirection.x = 0
elseif action_id == hash("KEY_ESC") then
msg.post("main:/gamecontrol#script", "gameover")
elseif action_id == hash("KEY_F9") then
msg.post("@system:", "toggle_physics_debug")
elseif action_id == hash("KEY_F10") then
msg.post("@system:", "toggle_profile")
if self.paul.movedirection.x == 0 and self.paul.movedirection.y == 0 then
msg.post("#sprite", "play_animation", {id = hash(self.paulstate[self.paul.state]["idle"])})
- the collision is working like this (maybe a better way?):
if message_id == hash("collision_response") then
--print("Paul colliding with " .. message.group .. " id " .. message.other_id)
if message.group == hash("wall") or message.group == hash("furniture") or message.group == hash("trigger_furniture") then
self.paul.movedirection.x = 0
self.paul.movedirection.y = 0
I already thought about raycasts, but this would just be a “early warning”.
How to make it more smooth and a better gameplaying? Getting stuck all the time is a mess