Slider with interval for and other improvements

It would be really usefull to be able to have a property with a max and min value (with an interval) that would appear as a slider, for example:“property_name”, {min=0, max=10, interval=1})

where “min” = the minimum value for the property,
“max” = the maximum value for the property, and
"interval" = distance between each step in slider,
so if you had:“property_name”, {min=0, max=10, interval=2})

that would result in a scale like this:
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

Also other elements like radio-buttons where you had to select one, and allowance for arrays in properties, so that for example if you had an enemy that was going to follow a path you could have an array of the positions in the path, eg: